Thursday, June 21, 2012


I can't take them. I say thank you, but in the back of my mind, im think yea whatever...I am always complimented on my eyes. I have very long eye lashes. I say thank you, then I tell myself my eyes are ugly because one eye is lower than the other. Yet at the same time, I crave compliments. I want to be told im skinny, and sometimes I do get them but its still like-nope not skinny enough. Compliments are never good enough to me because I see so many flaws in myself. My family nitpicks at my flaws so im sure this doesn't help me any at all. No matter what the compliment is I always tend to twist and turn it to make it a negative thing. I'm not sure why.

When it comes to my recovery, if someone makes a compliment, I think but I could do better, do it faster, or it can also be turned into see they noticed now your fat. youre disgusting.

So for me....the best thing is dont give me any compliments. not on my recovery. not on my appearance. just dont do it. It would be better for both of us...

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