Monday, June 4, 2012


Change can be a good thing, and a bad thing. I know for me I hate change. I like routine, if something is out of order,  I just about get lost, not  knowing what to do.  However, sometimes, change can be a beautilful thing; when the whether changes from cold to hot, when the leaves change into vibrant colors, when a caterpillar becomes a butterfly.

Personal change though is overwhelmingly scary. Sometimes it feels impossible. For example, overcoming my eating disorder. Scary as hell and def seems impossible, but from what im told, its all worth it, because in the end life is beautiful. Living free from the monster within you. The constant lies fade and eventually silenced. Being able to be yourself because you aren't afraid of someone finding out your secret. But this kind of  change- for a personal reason makes you a stronger person, it makes you grow to who you are meant to be, or to learn who you aren't suppose to be.

But sometimes things are beautiful as they are are should be left alone, unaltered. Why fix something when its not broken? For instance, the way we used to live. How our main focus was on the ones we loved. How we spend time with our family because we wanted to, not because we had to. How grateful we were. How polite everyone seemed. Now people are getting involved in the new technology-which as soon as you get it you have  to return and update it a week later. So brainwashed by television that we feel the need to constantly be better,  be thinner, be more fit, try to get that "perfection" down. Only to fail once again, because once you get there, something else changes, something else "is better for you".  Saying thank you when someone holds open the door and not assume and generally be lazy to do it ourselves because "Someone else is capable of it"...when you are perfectly capable yourself.

Good or Bad, change takes time to get adjusted to. To relearn how to adapt to survive.

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