Thursday, December 22, 2011

Inspirational Journal-Week Twelve

The ones in my life. The ones who have stuck by me the entire time.

1. My sponsor. I can't express enough how much this woman means to me. She literally has been there since the day I have met her. Sure she has a crazy busy schedule but if I was in any danger I know she would be there. She's not just my sponsor, she's a friend, a support, a big sister, a mother, she's a person I can go to about anything. And nothing changes..her judgements on that is. Gosh this woman. I put her through hell and back. We have faught,  we have cried we have ignored each other, we have screamed, we have given attitude but we also have opened up, shared our stories, offered advice, a shoulder to cry on, hugs. I can't count how many times she has had a conversation with my ed, not me, ed. Where ed took control and yelled and said mean things cried and had a hissy fit. She was there just like the times when I was motivated and when I have all these questions. She has always been there for everything. She came to visit when I was in treatment at Renfrew, She has driven me to groups when I had no other way of getting there, she has taken me to the hospital and stayed with me, she has talked to me in the middle of the night, she made me meals that was still restricting but still overwhelming and sat there for 3 hours until I was able to finish it. I know I get frustrated at times because she has a busy schedule but I know she is there. I know I can always text or call her about anything...seriously whenever something goes wrong ed related or not I go to her. I know that is not her role but she is still there to support me in anyway she can. She isn't going anywhere.(i dont think). She is one that I can honestly say that I fully 100% trust and has the best interests for me at heart.

Honestly, she is the only person I can say who has been there for everything...When I was sick and when I was healthy. I can't say that about anyone else. not even family. My dad hasn't been in my life. My mom I know she cares but the time I needed her the most is the time she told me to get out of the house. I think she wants to be there but she is just too consumed with making her boyfriend happy and i HATE  saying that but its how I feel. Honestly if she had to save one and we were both in danger  I think she would go to him first. And I dont want to think that way but I do.

I can go on and give you a list of people who have been there but they left, and  I don't think that was the topic for this post. =P

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