Thursday, December 22, 2011

Inspirational Journal-Week Sixteen


To me, the things that don't seem to matter are the best gifts. I don't NEED what I want. I don't need an ipod or a dog or money or whatever it is. To me, being there for someone, willing to have a listening ear even if it is repeated, to give advice. to let me have a safe place to talk. to not be judged. to be get loyalty. to feel love and be cared about. to be good enough in your eyes...those are things I need and want. But the things I have a hard time finding. and once I see a person who can give these things to me there is no letting go of them .I sink my claws in and I depend on them to get my needs met. I know it's not fair but I don't know any other way to get it. Not with my head telling me that I am unworthy of love and being cared about unless they have a reason for them to worry...

The biggest gift someone can give me is listening to me, even if it take all day and I make no sense and I repeat everything I say. It means more to me than you realize..

As for me, I like giving what I like receiving. I try my best (though I will somewhat admit ed gets in the away at times) I try to be there for others. To listen to what they have to say. To really listen, to understand where they are coming come. to be able to give them feedback and look back and say, "I know I have Stefanie" I would like to be the person that people can rely on. (that is where ed gets in the way. I will be there the most that I can be but my brain gets a little foggy and doesnt think clearly-obviously)

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