Saturday, December 10, 2011

Inspirational Journal-Week Ten


Well I wasn't even going to write this week's but I can't just not do it. I HAVE to think of something even if it's small....still a accomplishment, right?

Hmmm. Well, I graduated high-school and one year of college. Honestly that is all I can think of that is Huge and the norm...but I did very well in school. I worked my butt off, I got pretty much all A's I was in AP and Honor classes (yes miss. perfectionist) I got many awards mainly for science...

But other accomplishments, I told my mom about my ED and decided  to go and complete treatment (despite my current struggle) That was a HUGE accomplishment for me. I MADE the decision, sure I was advised to but I am the one who did it. I am the one who agreed to go to treatment (well the 1st time- 2nd time I was kind of forced).

It took 6 months but I went to a ABA face to face meeting. I wanted to but I was scared of what they (the other girls) would think or say. That I was the "fattest anorexic in the room" that "She doesn't need to be here" but they didn't they welcomed me in. That took a lot of courage for me its another step closer to getting rid of this thing I suppose.

I am honest with my treatment team. I did waterload one time but I felt guilt and texted Joy to let her know the truth.

Hmmm I completed dance, horse-back riding, and cheer-leading competitions.

I over came a speech problem (yea couldn't pronouce "r" sounds. Which I still have problems at time but I am able to stop and correct myself despite sounding stupid...I guess that was a big thing it took up until like 14 to be able to talk and for people to understand me.

Unfortunetly, that is all I can think of,  and HOPEFULLY a few years from now, I will have more accomplished with my life....

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