Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Inspirational Journal-Week Four


My sponsor. She has shared her story with me, and she has overcome so much. She has a very similar past as mine, and she was able to overcome everything, and she is just so happy now. Has two kids, is married has a huge house. She works two jobs, and volunteers and manages to take on me as a sponsee. I honestly, do not know how she does it everyday. How she can sit there and see or hear me struggling and not get triggered. How she can run around all day and still be home at a decent time to spend time with her family. She just has this way about her, like everything isn't about her, and it's out of her control so why worry about it? She takes everything that comes to her and relaxes and breathes and gets through it. She makes it seem so easy, which she tells me it's simple but not easy. I don't know how to explain, I don't want to say mellow but she just seems to have everything together. And when you see her smile, you just know that it's a smile and not a mask. She also showed me that you can trust people.

This woman knows more than all the therapists I had combined, and someone confronted her and she told me about it. I trust her enough to have contact with my therapist now and everytime, she tells me, "Hey denise called me this is what was said " Or "Do you mind if I call back?" She the one person I know who if you tell her something, she is not going to tell anyone unless you say it's okay. She can be blunt and forceful at times, but I just have to accept it that she feels it is what I need. Like when I went to ABA, she gave me a "gentle shove" (her words- to me it wasn't gentle) to share with the group, and I did and she was right, I felt amazing after I did and more connected to this world. She just always has everyone's best interest in mind, while still being able to take care of herself. She thinks everyone is as equally important unlike me who everyone is more deserving or in need than I am. I have really lucked out with having this amazing person part of my journey and for my life.

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