Friday, April 13, 2012

Inspirational Journal-Week 28

where you'd be if you were not stuck in your Ed/ or where you hope to reach after you've overcome?
I would be finishing college this year. I would hope that  I would be living somewhere else, not relying on my family the way  I am right now.  I would want to be in the process of getting married and starting my own family. I would want to be looking for my career. I would have gone to schools and given lectures on my story and on the road to hopefully helping others get through this fight too. If  I didn't go into treatment the year I did I would have been the secretary for the student counsling program (A place to talk-aka APTT) at Penn State. 
But if  I wasn't stuck right now or if  I overcame it, I wouldn't have met the people I have, I wouldn't have known that  I can be accepted for who  I am, not who I pretend to be. That not everyone is out to get me. That  I can be cared about. That  I can trust people. I would not have learned that things  I I did about myself. Don't get me wrong,  I hate the lies my head constantly tells me, but I am grateful for being sick, because of those reasons alone.

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