Sunday, October 30, 2011

Inspirational Journal-Week One

What is beauty?

I'm actaully sitting here thinking of the "right" answer. To go with society and say, "long hair, clear skin, nice body" but im not sure that is what beauty means to me. I mean I want those things for me, but would I think that a person isn't beautiful when they have short hair? a few pimples? and a not so rocking body? No I wouldn't. What you find beautiful can't change, so if someone who has long hair gets it cut...they're no longer beautiful? No.

 Beauty is the way people smile over the small things, when everything else in the world sucks. They find that one thing that keeps them going, and they are generally joyful about it. The way people look into their loved ones eyes. The way a human being is created, the way the sun sets everynight with no doubt that it will rise in the morning.The way flowers bloom. How the world knows how to take care of it's land, when it needs some rain. When you see someone reach out a hand to help someone else. To take time out of their day to make someone other than themselves happy, even if it's just for a split second. The way little girls have no concern about how they look.

 Beauty to me, are the things that are taken for granted. Most of them are out of our control.

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